Unete a nuestro equipo
Si está totalmente de acuerdo con nuestra visión, TODOS los niños, independientemente de las circunstancias en las que nazcan, tienen un gran valor y necesitan saberlo.
Si te encantarÃa abrazar esto a través de tu trabajo diario y marcar una diferencia en la vida de los niños vulnerables y sus familias, ¡estás en el lugar correcto!
Nuestro apasionado e innovador equipo se complace en darle la bienvenida entre nosotros.
Consulte las posiciones disponibles actualmente.
No hay ninguna oportunidad de trabajo abierta en este momento. Gracias por su interés.
CCU St. Elisabeth Rehabilitation Center, Panykworo, Bungatira, Gulu District.
Provide motherly/fatherly Guidance to Beneficiaries in their daily social lives at the rehabilitation center
Support in Store keeping and manage daily kitchen work in the center
Support in Planning, budgeting, preparing and accounting for nutrition and activities at the Centre
Support in Registration of new Beneficiaries
Keep up to date Records of daily operation of the center and provide reports (weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually)
Co-Plan and ensure relevant Educational activities, school work, sports and music in the center
Attend to medical care of the beneficiaries at the CCU St. Elisabeth Rehabilitation Center
Provide daily Spiritual Guidance of Beneficiaries
Attend, lead team meetings, celebrations, team prayers, staff appraisals, daily spiritual guidance and other center events
Support in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning as an integrated unit to various interventions in the center
Assist with administrative responsibilities and promote a positive atmosphere at the Rehabilitation Center
Co-Secretary to the Home management Committee
Promote Children’s rights and duties and encourage them to join home activities
Provide information, advice and support to the children, staff and the entire CCU community. regarding life at the center
Co-write the care plan and support the children at the center accordingly
Co-lead parents’ meetings, family counseling sessions and attend to visitors
Any other assignment on behalf of CCU provided by your supervisor
Minimum Qualifications:
S/he MUST hold a Diploma or a Degree in Child protection, Child Development or Social Works related discipline with at least three years progressive work experience with a reputable institution(s)
Other desirable Skills:
Able to lead and direct team to ensure the highest quality care to the children at St. Elisabeth Rehabilitation Center and move the center forward.
Ability to establish and promote a communal environment conducive for children to attain the desired hope for a better future
A mother/ father heart for children
Active and open personality, love for sports, music and prayer
Humane, kind and able to give time for children
Ability to endure and manage stress
Ability to speak and write confidently in both Acholi/ Lwo and English
Computer literate
Valid Riding license is a MUST
20th October 2023 (Review process on a rolling basis).
Dep. Warden
No importa de qué país vengas, el voluntariado es una gran oportunidad para crecer en tu personalidad.
y habilidades
Puede conocer mejor nuestro trabajo y aprenderá mucho sobre usted y el trabajo con niños vulnerables.
Tenemos diferentes áreas en las que puedes ser voluntario.
Complete el Cuestionario y envíelo a info@childrencareuganda.org. ¿Cualquier pregunta?
Solo envíanos un mensaje.
Volunteer Application Form