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Unete a nuestro equipo

Si está totalmente de acuerdo con nuestra visión, TODOS los niños, independientemente de las circunstancias en las que nazcan, tienen un gran valor y necesitan saberlo.

Si te encantaría abrazar esto a través de tu trabajo diario y marcar una diferencia en la vida de los niños vulnerables y sus familias, ¡estás en el lugar correcto!

Nuestro apasionado e innovador equipo se complace en darle la bienvenida entre nosotros.

Consulte las posiciones disponibles actualmente.

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No hay ninguna oportunidad de trabajo abierta en este momento. Gracias por su interés.

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  • CCU St. Elisabeth Rehabilitation Center, Panykworo, Bungatira, Gulu District.



  • Provide motherly/fatherly Guidance to Beneficiaries in their daily social lives at the rehabilitation center

  • Support in Store keeping and manage daily kitchen work in the center

  • Support in Planning, budgeting, preparing and accounting for nutrition and activities at the Centre

  • Support in Registration of new Beneficiaries

  • Keep up to date Records of daily operation of the center and provide reports (weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually)

  • Co-Plan and ensure relevant Educational activities, school work, sports and music in the center

  • Attend to medical care of the beneficiaries at the CCU St. Elisabeth Rehabilitation Center

  • Provide daily Spiritual Guidance of Beneficiaries

  • Attend, lead team meetings, celebrations, team prayers, staff appraisals, daily spiritual guidance and other center events

  • Support in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning as an integrated unit to various interventions in the center

  • Assist with administrative responsibilities and promote a positive atmosphere at the Rehabilitation Center

  • Co-Secretary to the Home management Committee

  • Promote Children’s rights and duties and encourage them to join home activities

  • Provide information, advice and support to the children, staff and the entire CCU community. regarding life at the center

  • Co-write the care plan and support the children at the center accordingly

  • Co-lead parents’ meetings, family counseling sessions and attend to visitors

  • Any other assignment on behalf of CCU provided by your supervisor



Minimum Qualifications:

S/he MUST hold a Diploma or a Degree in Child protection, Child Development or Social Works related discipline with at least three years progressive work experience with a reputable institution(s)


Other desirable Skills:

  • Able to lead and direct team to ensure the highest quality care to the children at St. Elisabeth Rehabilitation Center and move the center forward.

  • Ability to establish and promote a communal environment conducive for children to attain the desired hope for a better future

  • A mother/ father heart for children

  • Active and open personality, love for sports, music and prayer

  • Humane, kind and able to give time for children

  • Ability to endure and manage stress

  • Ability to speak and write confidently in both Acholi/ Lwo and English

  • Computer literate

  • Valid Riding license is a MUST



  • 20th October 2023 (Review process on a rolling basis).

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Dep. Warden



No importa de qué país vengas, el voluntariado es una gran oportunidad para crecer en tu personalidad.

y habilidades

Puede conocer mejor nuestro trabajo y aprenderá mucho sobre usted y el trabajo con niños vulnerables.

Tenemos diferentes áreas en las que puedes ser voluntario.  

Complete el Cuestionario y envíelo a ¿Cualquier pregunta?

Solo envíanos un mensaje.

Volunteer Application Form

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