Nicht jeder hat das Glück in einem behüteten Elternhaus aufzuwachsen.
Doch CCU schafft einen Ort für Begegnung, Familie, Bildung, Heimat und Geborgenheit und gibt Hoffnung auf eine neue, bessere Lebensperspektive.
Für unseren Erfolg steht die internationale Kooperation zwischen unserem Vorstand in Deutschland und dem Team vor Ort in Uganda. Hand in Hand können wir unsere Ziele erreichen und Menschen Hoffnung schenken.
Lernen Sie die Köpfe hinter CCU kennen.

1. Vorstand

2. Vorstand



Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

Din is a popular choice on business and tech sites. It's also a good font for creating page titles with impact.